Monday, January 24, 2011

Been Awhile

Its been awhile since I've been on here. Since then, mom was told she has congestive heart failure, our car was stolen from in front of our house, mom had surgery and they removed the cancer. I think that's the biggest things. I'm trying to make sense of stuff in my personal life and it's not working very well. I don't know anymore. Just need to get away from here for a few days and figure things out I suppose.

We are waiting for the pathology report from mom's surgery. They are pretty sure they got all the cancer, but they took a sample from some lymph nodes to be sure. We are seriously praying it's all gone. She is still recovering, and it will probably take awhile, but atleast she is home. I think that's it for tonight.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's funny how 1 little word can change things so much. My mom had some issues with bleeding so when they were trying to figure it out, they found a mass in her uterus. They did a Biopsy and said it was ok, but then they said they had to do another one because they didn't get a good enough sample. She went in yesterday to see the dr and get her results. Definately not ok. They told her she had cancer in her Uterus and she goes to see the gyno/oncologist at the end of this month. We have little information right now, so basically it's a waiting and wondering game at the moment. If you could all keep our family in your prayers, we would greatly appreciate it. My biggest prayers right now are for peace and that it will be an "easy fix," meaning it hasn't spread anywhere else. Thank you and I appreciate it greatly.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kids, Bad Weather, and the Bathroom...3

So today was interesting... I came in to work knowing I was closing. What I didn't know was that we were going to have a tornado warning in the process. Now when we have severe weather we have to take the kids into the bathroom since its the only place that is actually away from windows. So here is my co-worker and myself in the bathroom with 4 children and a parent decides to bring his child in in the middle of a tornado warning,.. bright, I know. So we are in the bathroom for a half hour with 5 kids. Thankfully the warning finally lifted and we were able to leave the bathroom and get the kids down for naps. So very thankful that Danielle stayed!

Monday, October 25, 2010


So today Mom had an outpatient surgery. We got to the hospital at 10 am and left at 4:45 pm. Long day. She came throught without a hitch, except that instead of the epideral they were going to do turned into a general anesthetic when they decided she hadn't been off her baby asprin long enough for the epideral. They were running very late or we wouldn't have been there that long. Thanks to everyone who knew about it and prayed! Have a good night!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


So this week is going to be crazy busy. Mom and I are moving this coming weekend, so we have so much to do! We need to get things taken apart and ready to be moved, packed up, wrapped up, all kinds of craziness! We need to get furinture still, we need pretty much everything. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers in this time of transition, Thanks!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


So not a very eventful day today, which is good. I called to see if they had gotten my phone done so I could go out to get it. They said they had to confirm my address so they could send me a new one because there was a malfunction in the charging port that they couldn't fix. Great, right? So I still had to go out to get it, mind you, the Sprint store that does service and repair is 20 to 30 minutes away. So I got my phone and thankfully they had found a way to charge my battery, now I just hope it lasts until my new phone gets here. I made some rice crispy treats and colored them orange and cut them out in pumpkin shapes for our Halloween party at work Wednesday morning. Hope they are still ok by then, they are all sealed up in ziplock baggies. I just wanted to something different than candy for the kids, they get enough of that on Halloween. Well, I think it's going to be an early night tonight, I'm still worn out. Have a good night!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Very Frustrating Day!

Today was not the greatest day for many reasons. I had to be to work at 6 am, which wouldn't be a big deal, if I had been able to sleep last night. Lets back track for the reason to why I couldn't sleep. Monday I went to the dentist for an extraction. They got me all numbed up and ready to go and when they realized I could still feel it, they decided something was wrong. Their diagnosis, an infection in the tooth. Now if it was just one tooth that hurt, that would be one thing, but it's not, its the whole left side of my face. So with all the antibiotics and pain meds, my teeth are still killing me and I don't go back until next week. So everytime I started to fall asleep last night my teeth started up. Finally fell asleep around 2:45 and had to be back up at 5. Fun. On top of that is a 10 hour shift at work, through the pain and sleepiness, I got through it. Then I take my phone up to figure out what's wrong and why it won't charge and had to leave it. I hate not having my phone, it drives me crazy! I should get it tomorrow and hopefully the weekend will be a little better. We don't have a vehicle at this exact moment due to the car breaking down. Joys. It's been an extremely long week, hoping the weekend goes by slow enough to enjoy. If you think about it, say a prayer for me this weekend and next week. Thanks!