Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's funny how 1 little word can change things so much. My mom had some issues with bleeding so when they were trying to figure it out, they found a mass in her uterus. They did a Biopsy and said it was ok, but then they said they had to do another one because they didn't get a good enough sample. She went in yesterday to see the dr and get her results. Definately not ok. They told her she had cancer in her Uterus and she goes to see the gyno/oncologist at the end of this month. We have little information right now, so basically it's a waiting and wondering game at the moment. If you could all keep our family in your prayers, we would greatly appreciate it. My biggest prayers right now are for peace and that it will be an "easy fix," meaning it hasn't spread anywhere else. Thank you and I appreciate it greatly.

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